How to Define Your Personal Style

6 Steps to Discovering Your Personal Style and Building a Capsule Collection that’s Uniquely YOU.

It’s easy to get caught up in the social media black hole of fashion and start adding every item to your cart. I myself am very guilty of having multiple shopping tabs open at all times on my laptop and cellphone, only to make a random thoughtless purchase at 1am! Well we’re not doing that anymore, it’s time to make thoughtful purchases that will enhance your wardrobe and make styling your outfits a breeze. No more last-minute vacation purchases.

I’ve outlined the steps below to help you define your personal style. Follow each step, and once done, you’ll have a clear understanding of your fashion aesthetic, making it easy to create a capsule collection. Let’s begin!

Step 1: Inspiration, Mood Boards, and Style Icons

The first step in defining your personal style is to seek inspiration. Browse through fashion magazines, Pinterest, and Instagram to find looks that resonate with you. Save images and create mood boards that reflect the aesthetic you’re drawn to. Look for recurring themes and patterns – these will provide clues to your unique style preferences.

Don’t forget to identify your style icons, too! These are people whose fashion sense you admire and feel connected to. They can be celebrities, fashion bloggers, or even your stylish friends. Analyze their looks and ask yourself what elements attract you to their style.

Pinterest is an excellent source of inspiration. I have a board titled My Style, every time I see a look that resonates with me I save it here. Coincidentally enough Pinterest sent me an end-of-year style summary based on this board in November. My Style was defined as Effortlessly Eclectic: a playful mix of understated minimalism, effortless casualness, and a touch of boho chic flair.

Step 2: Evaluate your Current Wardrobe

Now, it’s time to take a good look at your own wardrobe. What do you wear most often? What pieces make you feel the most confident and comfortable? Note the colors, patterns, and silhouettes that you gravitate towards. This will help you understand your preferences and build a solid foundation for your personal style.

“Elegance is elimination.” – Cristóbal Balenciaga

Step 3: Define Your Style Keywords

With your mood boards and wardrobe analysis in hand, it’s time to distill your style into a few keywords. These should encapsulate the essence of your personal aesthetic. For example, your keywords might be “boho-chic,” “minimalist,” or “edgy.” Having these keywords will help you make more intentional wardrobe choices moving forward.

Step 4: Create Your Style Statement

Combine your style keywords with elements from your style icons to create a unique style statement. This statement should be a brief description of your personal style that will serve as your guiding principle when shopping for new pieces or putting together outfits. For example, your style statement might be “Effortlessly chic with a touch of vintage glamour.”

Step 5: Build Your Capsule Collection

Now that you have a clear vision of your personal style, it’s time to build a capsule collection! A capsule collection is a curated selection of versatile, timeless, and high-quality pieces that can be mixed and matched to create a variety of stylish outfits. Focus on investing in staple items that align with your style statement and will stand the test of time. Check out my full post on building a capsule wardrobe here and grab your free capsule wardrobe checklist to help you on your journey!

Step 6: Embrace Your Style Evolution

Finally, remember that your personal style is an ever-evolving journey. As you grow and change, your fashion preferences might shift as well. Embrace these changes and continue to refine your style statement and capsule collection to reflect the authentic you.

Defining your personal style can be an empowering and exciting experience. By following these steps, you’ll be on your way to curating a wardrobe that truly reflects your personality and fashion sensibilities. Remember, the key is to stay true to yourself and have fun experimenting with your unique fashion identity. Happy styling!

xx Lauren Veronica

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